Microphysogobio rapidus qPCR Kit
AquaAmp® Microphysogobio rapidus qPCR Kit
The AquaAmp® Microphysogobio rapidus qPCR Kit was developed based on the coapplicant patented technology of AquaGenTech Co., Ltd. and the National Institute of Ecology, South Korea (Application No. 10-2020-0158287, Korean Intellectual Property Office). The kit consists of all real-time PCR reagents (i.e., primers, probe, DNA polymerase, dNTPs, buffer, etc.) to detect and quantify the endangered freshwater fish, Microphysogobio rapidus
The PCR primer set and fluorescent probe bind to the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (COB), an alternative DNA barcoding region of animals. They are designed to be sufficiently conserved to anneal to endangered species with high specificity and sensitivity. The kit can be easily used for the detection and quantification of both tissue samples and environmental water.